Sunday 15 July 2012


This is a traditional Scottish biscuit, its light and crumbly in texture. Its great to keep in your cupboard and it’s yummy for anytime of the day.

185g soft butter
110g icing sugar
250g flour
124g corn flour

1.     Mix the softened butter and icing sugar very well, until butter is light and creamy.
2.     Sift flour and corn flour into the bowl and knead very well, until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl
3.     Place in a baking tin, about 2cm thick and press down using your fingers. Prick around the dough using a fork or thin metal skewer.
4.     Bake in the oven at 140C for 50-60 minutes until the surface has turned pale brown.
5.     Cut into long fingers and sprinkle castor sugar over the surface. Allow it to cool before removing from the tray.

This recipe makes an average amount, its great for taking to a friend’s houses for tea or for young children.

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