Tuesday 24 July 2012

Vanilla custard

Homemade custard is something everyone should know how to make. It's so thick and creamy, you will never use bought custard again. It is so simple and so delicious.
Vanilla custard
1 cup full cream milk
1 tablespoon custard powder
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
¼ cup extra full cream milk

1.     Heat 1 cup of milk and vanilla bean paste in a sauce pan until its steaming.
2.     In a small bowl beat egg, custard powder, sugar and ¼ cup milk until its well combined.
3.     Four half the steaming milk into the bowl and stir together, then pour it back into the pot. Continue stirring until it thickens.
4.     Store in an airtight container in the fridge.

It’s perfect for any dessert or pie that requires custard, or simply on its own. Its very easy and takes no time at all.

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