Saturday 16 June 2012

Apple and Cinnamon Crumble

Sugar, spice and everything nice, in one little cup. This is absolutely delicious. It would have to be one of my favourite desserts.

150g white flour
75g sugar
75g cold butter

6 large apples
¼ cup raisins (as much or little as you desire)
½  cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon 

1.     Peel, core and cut up apples, place into a microwave proof bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Cover the bowl with cling wrap, poke a whole in the centre to release the steam. Cook the apples in the microwave for around 10 minutes or until apples have softened enough to easily poke with a fork.
2.     While the apples cook place flour, sugar and cold butter into a food processer and blitz until butter is broken up. Do not mix until it turns to pastry, your mixture should have a flour-like consistency. If you don’t have a food processer simply use a fork for mash up the butter or your hands, try to keep the butter from melting. 
3.     Once the apples are finished place them into your ramekins or over proof dish, sprinkle raisins on top and your raisins. Give them a mix so the cinnamon is evenly distributed. Flatten sightly, and then sprinkle your crumble mixture on top, using a fork to spread it out. Do not press it down its better left light and fluffy.
4.     Place the dish in a preheated oven of 180C and cook for 15-20 minutes, until the crumble has turned golden and the apples are bubbling.

The aroma created by this crumble is absolutely mouth watering. Its divine with warm custard, cream or ice cream.  It’s so tasty you’ll be heading back for seconds before you finish your first helping. Its best eaten warm, so reheat it if you cant eat it fresh.

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