Tuesday 19 June 2012


Rich, creamy and delicious. Tiramisu is such a classic dessert, the perfect end to any meal and leave you feeling one hundred percent satisfied.


500g mascarpone cheese
200g finger biscuits
150g castor sugar
2 egg whites
4 egg yolks
150ml strong coffee
60ml Tia Maria

1.     Separate eggs into two separate bowls, the egg yolks should be in a larger bowl, as this will be used for the entire mixture. Beat the egg whites and set aside
2.     Add castor sugar to the egg yolks and beat until they become very light yellow and form ribbons. Once they are light enough add the mascarpone and beat until smooth. Now add your egg whites and gently fold in. Your cream mixture is complete.
3.     Measure out your coffee and Tia Maria into a flat-based bowl. One at a time soak your biscuits and line them up along the base of your serving bowl (if the biscuits aren’t soaked all the way through, feel free to add more coffee mixture).
4.     Once the biscuits are neatly places spoon your cream mixture on top and smoothen out. You can do as many layers as you like as long as your bowl allows for it. Once all the layers are complete grate dark chocolate on top and leave in the fridge to set.

The coffee blended with the Tia Maria creates such amazing sensation in your mouth. The creamy mascarpone is beautifully thick, sweet and creamy and calms down the richness on the soft biscuits. It’s an absolutely perfect blend.  

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